Guidelines And Development Of French Press

If you've ever heard of a French filter jug like coffee, the cooker may have a variety of names and patents from different regions, but what is the origin and history of the device? And how to brew coffee?
History Of The French Press
Originally invented in 1852 by two Frenchmen, Mayer and Delforge, the device differed from the sealing space formed inside the glass, and the French press, as we know it, was first patented in 1929 by Italian Attilio Calimani and Giulio Moneta.
It is somewhat controversial where the most popular designer came from, some say that he was brought to France in 1958 by Faliero Bondanini of Switzerland and made a local apparatus called Chambord in France, where Chambord would later receive the name French Filter Jug.
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Bondanini later brought Chambord to the British market under the name 'La Cafetiére. Bodum, a well-known Danish company, later became a dealer in Chambord, Denmark, and eventually purchased ownership of the Chambord name and factory, with the trademark still owned by the original owner. But legal disputes left Bodum and 'La Cafetière' vying for control of markets outside Europe and the design of patents.
Is he from Italy or France? The author left room for the reader to imagine, but the device is still widely known as the French Filter Jug.
It's complicated to look at, but it's really simple to brew coffee, and if you use it properly, you can brew great coffee.
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What Kind Of Coffee Can Be Brewed Out By French Press?
The jar is a fully soaked cooking apparatus with a metal filter. This gives the brewed coffee a characteristic since water and coffee powder is soaked directly, resulting in richer coffee oils and a heavier, fuller taste. For those who don't like coffee dregs or fine powder tastes, you may not be the right one.
The brewing method can control several variants (such as water temperature, grinding thickness, and brewing time) and improve the brewing method according to personal preference. Most importantly, if you brew properly, you can expect to enjoy the aroma and flavor of each coffee you flush out.
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How To Make Coffee By Using A French Press?
There are important factors to consider before brewing coffee
1. Grinding Size
No matter what grinding size is used to grind the coffee, a high-quality flat or cone grinder is used instead of a blade-style grinder, and this brewing method is likely to lead to excessive extraction. What size is correct then?
A coarser grinding scale is recommended here, somewhat like small gravel rather than fine sand. If ground too fine may allow water to extract coffee powder too quickly. It may not be a problem for other soaking cutters, but if the jug is ground too finely, there may be a fine powder of coffee penetrating the metal filter, resulting in a large amount of slag precipitation in the washed-out coffee.
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2. Amount Of Coffee Powder, The Ratio Of Powder To Water
The powder ratio is a simple formula, that is, how much water is compared to how much coffee powder, and the common ratio is 1:15 (e.g., 15g coffee powder versus 225g water). You can start with this ratio and add coffee or water to your next brew, as you like until you find your favorite ratio.
3. Water Temperature
Water temperature is another experimental cause of coffee taste. Without a thermometer, hot water can be boiled for 45 seconds (adjusted for temperature) and brewed at about 90 degrees. If you want to control the flavor of the flushed coffee, it is recommended to buy a temperature-controlled hand punch.
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4. Brewing Time
Brewing time falls about 3 to 5 minutes. If it is deep roasted coffee, 5 minutes may be too long. In the case of shallow baking, 3 minutes may be too short, so starting with 4 minutes is recommended.
5. Brewing Process
Pour the ground coffee powder into the pre-heated process jug, then slowly inject the hot water and ensure that all the coffee powder is soaked. At the outset, pre-soak the steamed coffee powder with about twice the amount of water (e.g. 30 grams of water for 15-passenger coffee powder).
Stir softly for 30 seconds and inject the remaining hot water into it and put the tube on. Do not press it down at this point, wait for the coffee powder to soak for 4 minutes, slowly press the tube to the bottom, and pour out the coffee liquid carefully to avoid stirring the coffee grounds at the bottom of the pot.
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If the tube is a bit hard to press down, it means that the coffee powder is too fine to grind; If the coffee powder sinks and the downforce resistance is too small, the grinding is too thick.
Recipe For French Press Brewing
Pour out the coffee immediately when the brew is finished, and if not immediately, the powder will continue to come into contact with the water, causing the bitter flavor of the coffee to be released, and if not, pour into another container.
Ensure that the jug is thoroughly cleaned and that even fresh coffee can be damaged by clean coffee grounds on the filter.
If the brewed coffee doesn't satisfy your taste buds all the time, it's recommended to try all the variants. The brewed coffee should be fun and experimental.
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