The Guide On How To Choose The Right Grinder

The charm of coffee is that you can take part in the last mile before you drink it.
Even if it is tasted in the end, it has more fun of grinding than tea, and more fun of grinding and brewing than wine.
But many people are used to buying ready-made powder or asking the store to grind it into a big bag at a time and use it slowly at home.
In fact, the best way is to grind and cook now, or grind a little and use it quickly.
Since coffee can bring so much fun, we who pay attention to life taste can not help but know how important the grinder is.
Why not buy ready-made powder? Must it take so much trouble to grind every time?
After drinking coffee for a long time, do you have a question: why coffee is roasted before brewing and drinking? Can't grind green coffee beans and brew them directly?
Benefits Of Grinding Freshly
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What Is The Difference Between The Two Kinds Of Grinders?
What Is A Blade Grinder? How Does It Work?
Basically, the blade type is to use metal sheets to electrically rotate and chop beans. The thickness of the powder can be roughly controlled through the rotation speed of the blade. Imagine putting coffee beans on the cutting board and then chopping them with a knife.
The Advantages Of Blade Type
Simple adjustment, basic grinding function, and low cost
The Disadvantages Of Blade Type
1. inaccurate grinding quality and unstable brewing results: due to the blade grinder, all beans are ground at the same time. The size of coffee powder may be uneven because the blade will cut coffee beans aimlessly, which means that the ground powder will have coarse particles and lead to insufficient extraction. At the same time, too much ground powder will lead to excessive extraction.
Whether it’s preparing coffee for others, or just enjoying coffee time alone, the container, presentation, and presentation of coffee can magically change the coffee experience. So how to better improve the coffee drinking experience?
2. the fine powder mentioned in the first point will block the filter of the coffee machine or filter cup, or directly penetrate the filter to make the cup contain fine coffee grounds.
3. the biggest disadvantage of the blade machine is the heat generated during grinding - this heat will cause the coffee to taste scorched and bitter, especially when you grind it very fine, resulting in a longer contact time between the coffee beans and the blade.
What Is A Knife Grinder? How Does It Work?
Grind coffee beans in a static and dynamic way through two metal knives. The spacing of the cutter head controls the grinding thickness. By adjusting the spacing, the ground particles are small enough to pass through the cutter head. Imagine cutting coffee beans into small slices one by one.
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The Advantages Of Cutter Type
The grinding thickness is consistent and more uniform, and the extracted coffee flavor is more stable.
Because grinding does not produce a lot of heat energy, it can retain the aroma and oil of coffee
Precise and finer grinding. The cone knife can be used for fine ground espresso, Turkish coffee, and coarse ground French filter press pots.
The cutter head grinder can also be divided into two main types:
Flat Burr:
Smaller cutter head - this is also a more economical option. The cutter head will make a lot of noise due to its fast rotation, and the faster the rotation is, the lower the grinding quality may be (the smaller the cutter head will make the grinding hot).
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Conic Burr:
The author thinks it is the best type of grinder. The rotation speed of the cutter head is slower than that of the flat cutter. It is not only quieter but also more stable when grinding. It is suitable for deep baking with high grinding grease or shallow baking with aroma type. Because of the high grinding quality, it will not block the filter. The larger cutter head also helps to stabilize the heat dissipation.
How To Maintain The Knife Grinder?
Cleaning the grinder regularly, especially after grinding coffee beans with added spices, is so simple! The knife grinder did everything.
If you cannot use only the blade grinder, remember to pay attention to the following:
1. empty all powder after each grinding, especially the powder accumulated under the blade.
Drinking coffee is as addictive as smoking.
2. the grinding time shall not exceed 15 seconds - avoid the large amount of heat generated by cutting.
3. shake the grinder during grinding, so that the machine can cut coffee beans more evenly.
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